Will any ol’ book off the shelf work?

Will any ol’ book off the shelf work?

posted in: Literature | 4

Will any ol’ book off the shelf work for storytime?

Crunch time in the classroom… the children have cleaned up the room and are sitting, ready for the storytime. Everyone has listened and is quietly, patiently waiting for you to begin; however, your best planning has failed you, so you reach for any ol’ book off the shelf… STOP!

What should you do?

*Ask the children what book they might want to read again.

*Retell an old favorite with props

*Have the children act out a class favorite story

*Re-read the spellbinding book from the previous day

*Reach for your reserve stack of magical literature

*Sing and dance instead of reading just any ol’ book from the shelf because all books are not created equal. Some are joyous experiences in literature while some are illustrated for visual study in a more private and individualized setting. Other books, while appropriate to have in a classroom library, are not necessarily rich in literary content. When in doubt, pull a book from the Caldecott Award winners. Reach for literacy, not just any ol’ book from the shelf.

Let’s brainstorm together… add your suggestion to the list.

4 Responses

  1. Barb Bechtel
    | Reply

    Your circle time can turn into mayhem at a blink of an eye with “any ol’ book off the shelf. I’ve started books off the shelf that flop completely with one class after being memorizing to another class. As I see I am losing the class, I quickly paraphrase the rest of the book to wrap it up and go to Plan B, which might be a song or movement activity to change the pace of circle time.

  2. Maria
    | Reply

    In my years of experience as a Teacher Asst. I careful select the book shelf each week according to the theme.
    But many times our best plan fails, so instead of reading we re-tell the history from the book, and act out.
    Of course reading is fundamental in early childhood education. It help their imagination and language skills.

  3. Kerry Allen
    | Reply

    Enchant your students by choosing a classroom favorite from the bookshelf and instead of reading it for the hundredth time, sing it! For example, sing the words of “Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See?” to the tune of the ABC song. It’s magical! 🙂

    • MissBarb
      | Reply

      You are so right… there is nothing like the magic of song/music to enhance and enchant your students with an ol’ favorite right off the shelf. Thanks for sharing!

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